Saturday, June 18, 2011

At last....... a blog for Davissa.

Welcome my friends to the brand new blog for Davissa Fine Art Photography.  Many of you have asked over the past two years "when are you going to do a blog"?  The simple truth is, I didn't have time.  I didn't want to be one of those bloggers who posts about once a year (like I do on my personal blog) so I elected to wait to do this.  Well, the time is here so let the blogging begin.

For those of you who may be new to the world of Davissa and all things David, you are in for a unique, creative and sometimes probably memorable trip.  The fact that I have decided to launch this blog on the eve of Father's Day is no fluke.  I wanted to launch this as a tribute to the my Dad and the fantastic influence he was in my life.  My Dad was a hard, strong, funny and loving man with a sense of humor and a wisdom I miss daily.  He was in fact, my best friend.  He gave me inspiration, challenges, suggestions and the much needed kick in the pants from time to time.  He never judged me, discouraged me or failed to try and understand the complex person I am.  He was and will always be one of the greatest people I will ever know.  So, to honor a great man, a great friend and great Father, here we are!

Photography for me is much more than something I simply do as a profession.  It is in fact a part of who I am. It is an extension of the complex, creative, funny and deeply emotional person I am.  Making the choice to leave my family profession years ago and follow my creative heart was a hard one.  One I have often questioned, wondered about and even doubted but here I am.  As the years pass and I get older, a bit wiser and certainly more comfortable in my own skin I see the world differently.  The really enjoyable part of what I do is that I get to chronicle the world, the people in it, the people in my life and things I see and live daily.  No my friends, photography is FAR more than just my job. 

They world of photography for me is a place of peace.  It is a place where I can be myself, allow my mind to run and explore and to daily as the question "what if" and then try the "if" and see what happens.  That, to me, is a gift. I feel that God gave me the eye, the talent and the personality to do what I do and do it well.  He brings me the inspiration and the subjective eye to see the world in perhaps a little different way each day.  For that I am thankful and blessed.  As a child watching the old Star Trek and Hawaii 5-0 episodes when they were new I was always in wonder of the world as it could be.  Now I get to create images that can challenge the mind, open the idea and make people say "wow".  That is the greatest gift I can ever receive from someone who views one of my works.  If I have made them wonder, made them think and in short made them say "wow", then I've done exactly what I set out to do. 

Let me be the first to tell you that over the summer I will NOT be blogging every day.  I'd run out of things to say.......well, perhaps not that exactly but things you'd find interesting let's say.  So, I will probably try and post about once a week here.  I will share some photos with you that I have taken during the week, share with you the high points of shoots and sessions and hopefully make you laugh a little too.  If you know me very well, you know that food is going to find its way into some of my posts as well, what can I say.  I am after all Italian.  So, my friends, share with me now as I try to create and maintain a positive place here to share what I do, how I do it and perhaps have a laugh or two as well.  I want this to be a positive, interactive and educational blog as well so feel free to post comments and questions. 

Have a GREAT Fathers day and and look for my next update soon.

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